Myaree Medical Centre Services
We look forward to providing you with quality care in all aspects of general practice however some of our GPs have a special interest in specific areas and have developed specialized services to reflect this.
Ear Microsuction
Ear Microsuction
The ears are a structure of the human body which can readily become blocked or infected due to their narrow size.
The temptation to clean them when they get blocked with the insertion of devices such as cotton tips can lead to a worsening impaction of the wax within.
At Myaree Medical we have transitioned from standard ear syringing to providing microsuction. Microsuction is the method of clearing the ear through sucking out debris under direct visualization with a powerful microscope. It is a safer and more effective alternative to syringing. It can also be used to remove foreign objects and some infected material.
Please click here to download a PDF with further information
Diabetes Service
1 in 13 Australians have diabetes with type 2 diabetes (insulin resistance) accounting for around 85% of cases *Diabetes Australia 2023
Here at Myaree Medical a number of our GPs have a special interest in this critical chronic disease. We appreciate diabetes can damage every organ in the body and thus a holistic and comprehensive approach is needed to control it and minimize the risks of complications into the future.
We pride ourselves on providing superior care which also comes with commitment from our patients for close follow up until control is achieved. Please see the bios of our GPs or speak to reception to identify the GPs who have a keen passion for the comprehensive treatment of diabetes.
Skin Clinic
At Myaree Medical several of our GPs have done further training in dermatology to provide a superior service for the diagnosis and procedural treatment of skin conditions.
If you require a skin check or have a skin issue of concern, please discuss with our reception on which GPs are available with advanced training in this area or book online via hotdocs and choose one of our skin appointment options.
Iron Infusions
Iron is an important component of your red blood cells to provide oxygen to all the cells of your body. A lack of iron can result in several symptoms including fatigue or even shortness of breath on exertion.
At Myaree Medical our GPs and nurses are trained to perform intravenous administration of iron, if such a procedure is identified to be appropriate. As there are risks involved with iron infusions, please be aware your GP will need to first assess your iron levels through a recently performed blood test and then discuss your options to ensure you get the safest and best possible outcomes.
For more information on iron infusions please read the consent form when booking via hotdoc.
Older Adult Memory Service
As we age it is not abnormal to become forgetful. However, at what point does normal forgetfulness become pathological?
At Myaree Medical we see the value that early detection of memory loss can have on outcomes later on in life. Through the identification of a memory issue a diagnosis can be pursued which can lead to treatment, allied health services for optimization and home services for improved function which can all assist in keeping an individual independent at home.
If you or a loved one have concerns regarding abnormal memory loss please discuss with your GP your eligibility to book a health assessment for the purpose of assessing your memory further.
Cosmetic Clinic (coming soon)
Dr. Brodie Thorpe has done further training in dermatology and aesthetic medicine. She is currently available to discuss general skin care concerns and will be offering further cosmetic services soon.
Mental Health
According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 45% of Australians will experience a mental health disorder in their lifetime. Unfortunately many do not seek help or even recognize what they are going through.
At Myaree Medical we acknowledge this burden of disease on an individual and society and seek to improve the outcomes of our patients.
If you are struggling with your mental health know that you are not alone and be assured your GP would love to discuss this further with you as they manage these problems on a daily basis. Evidence has shown that for many psychological conditions the right psychologist can provide a tremendous improvement over time to your mental health. Your GP can provide counselling on options to address your mental health as well as create a Mental Health Care Plan for you to access government funding for subsidized psychological services (10 sessions per calendar year). Mental health care plans often require a double appointment to create and can be booked online or through reception.
Please access the below links for further support
Call 000 for police or ambulance if in acute crisis and require urgent assistance
Cardiac Service
At Myaree Medical we provide the following cardiac services:
- ECG: Quick assessment of the electrical conductivity of the heart over a 10 second period to provide a snapshot of your heart’s rhythm
- Holter Monitor: Holter monitors are pocket sized devices fitted to a patient to assess their heart rhythm over a 24hour period. This allows a superior assessment of the electrical activity of the heart, beyond that of an ECG. Our holter monitors are fitted by our trained nursing staff and provided to our patient as a bulk billed service with data analysed by a cardiologist. Please be aware that the follow up of results will require an appointment with your GP and eligibility of this service is based on Medicare criteria.
- Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring: This is a device fitted to a patient in order to monitor their blood pressure over a 24hour period. Our trained nursing staff can fit this devise for you. A follow up appointment with your GP should be organized 24hours later to review the information generated to understand your true blood pressure and how it effects your risk of cardiovascular disease. Please note that this service is provided by Myaree Medical to patients who are eligible through specific Medicare criteria. Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring is expected to be available to eligible patients by the end of 2023.
Womens Health
At Myaree Medical a number of our GPs have undergone further training in the field of women’s health. We have GPs who are trained in the insertion and removal of both Implanon and intrauterine devices (Mirena and Kyleena). They are also skilled in all areas of women’s health such as:
- Preconception counselling
- Early pregnancy care
- Contraception and sexual health counselling
- Cervical screening
- Assessment and management of abnormal vaginal discharge and bleeding
- Vulval conditions
- Unplanned pregnancy counselling
- Medical termination of pregnancy
- Perimenopausal/menopausal management
- Urinary incontinence
- Recurrent UTIs
- Prolapse symptoms
- Breast lumps and concerns
- Preventative care
Women’s health concerns often take a little more time than a standard appointment so please advise reception at the time of booking or book one of the women’s health appointment types online via hotdoc.
Preventative Health
The old proverb that “Prevention is better than cure” is one which rings true through the ages.
Without a doubt preventative health is the cornerstone of good medical practice and our GPs would love to discuss strategies to prevent the onset of certain health condition. Some preventative steps include:
- Cancer screening
- Osteoporosis screening
- Vaccinations
- Chronic disease screening (included but not limited to diabetes, cardiac disease, kidney disease etc)
- Lifestyle management (including weight, exercise, diet)
- Smoking and alcohol support
These topics and more can be covered at any time with your GP however if you are between 45-49 or aged 75 and over you may be eligible for a bulk billed health assessment review to cover these topics through the current Medicare scheme.
We also encourage you to read our practice made preventative care pamphlets which are available in the waiting rooms while you wait for your appointment.
Mens Health
At Myaree Medical Centre we are experienced in providing a comprehensive range of care for men’s health. We appreciate many men may delay their presentation for issues relating to men’s health. We wish to encourage early review and remind our male patients that your GP sees these issues on a daily basis. We would like to see you for (but not limited to):
- Testicular findings
- Urination difficulties
- Prostate health
- Sexual dysfunction
- STI checks
- Cardiovascular Health
- Depression